Best Poster Presentation Award : Akiko Sugahara, Wataru Irie, Hitoshi Shiwaku: Does the video-based exercise of capturing practical responses to pediatric vital signs alleviate anxiety and difficulties in pediatric nursing practice among nursing students?. 15th INC & 28th EAFONS, Seoul, 2025.
Kenji Hayashihara, Wataru Irie, Akiko Sugahara, Hitoshi Shiwaku: Reliability and Validity of the Japanese Version of the Career Thoughts Inventory. the 15th International Nursing Conference (INC) and the 28th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS), Seoul, 2025.
Akiko Sugahara, Wataru Irie, Hitoshi Shiwaku: Does the video-based exercise of capturing practical responses to pediatric vital signs alleviate anxiety and difficulties in pediatric nursing practice among nursing students?. the 15th International Nursing Conference (INC) and the 28th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS), Seoul, 2025.
佐々木日菜子,入江 亘,金子太郎,新家一輝,菅原明子,塩飽 仁:医療者が捉えるエンド・オブ・ライフにある小児がんの子どものきょうだいへのケアに必要な要素.第22回日本小児がん看護学会学術集会,京都,2024
櫻庭美鈴,鈴木 彩,佐山恭子,杉本千夏,青木亜紀,相羽明日美,入江 亘,塩飽 仁:シームレスな長期フォローアップ支援の実現に向けた病棟看護師に対する教育体制構築の取り組み.第22回日本小児がん看護学会学術集会,京都,2024
鈴木 彩,櫻庭美鈴,佐山恭子,杉本千夏,青木亜紀,相羽明日美,入江 亘,塩飽 仁:長期フォローアップ外来の持続可能な運営体制の構築に向けた取り組み.第22回日本小児がん看護学会学術集会,京都,2024
渡邉 朋,小川純子,竹ノ内直子,上別府圭子,富岡晶子,塩飽 仁,佐藤伊織:小児がんの子どもの在宅療養への移行における病棟看護師から訪問看護師への情報提供.第22回日本小児がん看護学会学術集会,京都,2024
今田志保,種吉啓子,三上千佳子,塩飽 仁,佐々木るみ子,高橋聡美,今 陽子,五十嵐誌保:復学後の小児がん患者の学校生活や集団生活で友人関係に困難を感じる場面の文献検討.第44回日本看護科学学会学術集会,熊本,2024
Mia Hashimoto, Wataru Irie, Akiko Sugahara, Yuko Nagoya, Hitoshi Shiwaku: Analyzing the “Toubyou-iyoku” concept to determine coping with illness among hospitalized children in Japan. Journal of International Nursing Research, 2024.
Takumi Sasaki, Wataru Irie, Akiko Sugahara, Kazutaka Jin, Nobukazu Nakasato, Hitoshi Shiwaku. Perceptions in the experience of transition from pediatric to adult care of patients with childhood-onset epilepsy in Japan. Epilepsy & Behavior. 2024,